Bishop benziger hospital remains committed to the cause of good health for all and strongly believe that the right way to revolutionize health care is by constantly innovating in terms of updating its facilities which will ultimately benefit the valuable patients for a better diagnosis.The state-of-the-art diagnostic and therapeutic facilities in Bishop benziger hospital corroborates the foresaid commitments. Any sophisticated facilities and technology becomes fruitful  only when it is operated with expertise hands. In that regard we are proud to have a combination.

  • Echo Test

    Echo test is being conducted in the diagnostic centre located in the first floor of the main block.This is an Ultrasound assisted evaluation of Cardiac Structure&mobility without invasion. Through successful completion of this procedure, the cardiac activities will be   diagnosed.

  • U.S.G Upper Abdomen & Obstetric- Ultrasonic Imaging systems

    This is used in Deva matha Ct scans  .Ultrasound is the source diagnostic has made possible in the detection of cysts (tumours or cancer). Its main attraction as an imaging modality lies in its non invasive character and ability to distinguish interfaces between soft tissues

  • Endoscopy

    Endoscopy – This Diagnostic Procedure is conducted in the Gastro Enterology department located in the ground floor of the new block.    It is the direct visual examination of the internal body parts by means of an endoscope passed along the interior of hollow organs or cavities

  • ECG – (Electro Cardiography)

    ECG deals the electrical activity of human heart.  Vitals picks by using electrodes.  Normal frequency ranges

  • Tread Mill Test/Stress Test

    Tread Mill Test/Stress Test – is being conducted in the diagnostic centre located in the first floor of the main block.This test gives more information about the Heart functions through determining the strain of body muscles.

  • Defibrillators

    This equipment is available in all the ICU’s.Casuality&OT. It is utilized as a life saving equipment for handling acute cardiac arrest .Ventricular fibrillation is the major serious cardiac emergency resulting from a synchronous of the heart muscles.   Applying shock (high energy) to the heart causes all muscle fibers to contract simultaneously to normal  sinus rhythm. The instrument for administering that shock is called defibrillator.

  • Anaesthesia Machine

    Any Surgical methods of treatment are successfully performed mainly because the patient does not feel pain by appropriate administering of anaesthesia which facilitates surgeons with favourable working conditions. Anaesthesia machine uses to deliver variable gas mixture, including anaesthetic and life supporting (sustaining) gases to the patient’s respiratory system. Around eight machines are there in the operation theatre with ventilator attached ones too.

  • Ventilators

    “Artificial respiration”  It is a mechanical device providing artificial respiration by supplying enough oxygen and eliminate right amount of carbon dioxide by maintaining the desired arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide and desired arterial oxygen tension. Non-invasive ventilation –positive pressure is applied to the airways using a tight fitting face or nasal mask so that tracheal intubations are avoided.Techniques includes mask cpap,pressure support ventilation,positive pressure ventilation or bipap. Adequate ventilators are installed in the ot’s and icu’s that includes EngstromCarestation, Baby Log, SLE, Savina, etc.

  • EEG

    This modality is used in the neurology dept which detect abnormalities by recording from scalp electrodes on 16 channels lasting for around 30 minutes.EEG Helps in Diagnosing Epilepsy and other diffused brain diseases.

  • Sigmoidoscopy

    This Diagnostic Procedure is conducted in the Gastro Enterology department located in the ground floor of the new block. It is the visualization of anus, rectum, and sigmoid colon.  The sigmoidoscope is a long and narrow tubular instrument which can be passed into the sigmoid colon through the anus.

  • Colonoscopy

    This Diagnostic Procedure is conducted in the Gastro Enterology department located in the ground floor of the new block. This investigation permits direct viewing of the large intestine (colon) by means of a long flexible, fibroptic instrument called colonoscope.

  • Pulse Oximeters

    This equipment is available in all the ICU’s ,casuality and OT .It is used for the measurement of saturation value of oxygen in blood.

  • Patient Monitoring Systems

    The objective of patient monitoring is to have a quantitative assessment of the important physiological variables of the patients during critical periods of their biological functions like heart rate, saturation value of oxygen in blood and NIBP (Non invasive Blood Pressue).In our Labour ROOM  foetal monitoring systems like foetal Doppler and foetal phonocardiogram are used.  It helps to pick up the heart rate from the maternal abdomen by a sensitive microphone

  • EMG

    EMG  is used to measure the contraction and relaxation of  voluntary muscle fibers. Its a proven modality in diagnosing disease condition such as varicose vein etc.

  • Podiatric Scan system

    It is being conducted in the diagnostic centre located in the first floor of the main block. It Determines the neuropathic and diabetic foot scan analysis.  Different steps are carried out by this system for  exact diabetic determination like

      • Neuropathic analysis- by using Ultrasound source.
      • Foot Scan analysis-  by Sensation test.
      • Doppler study- Colour cooling .

  • Arthoscope

    This Modality permits orthopaedic surgery in a relatively non-invasive way. An arthroscope can be used for diagnostic procedures as well as a wide  range of surgical repairs such as debridement or cleaning of a joint  to remove bits of torn cartilage, ligament reconstruction and synovectomy (removal of the joint lining). Arthoscopy is used for joints of the knee, shoulder, elbow, wrist, ankle and hip. The Arthroscope installed in our orthoOt is the most modern and the best of its kind.


    The state of art Lithotripter for the non-operative treatment of all kind of kidney and upper ureteric stones.

  • C ARM

    A Mobile imaging device uses Xrays and produces a live image feed that is displayed in the TV screen.We are having a state-of-art- C-Arm that is frequently used in our OTs during surgeries.

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