About us

To perpetuate the memory of his illustrious predecessor Bishop Aloysius Maria Benziger, Bishop Jerome Fernandez , the first Indian Bishop of the catholic diocese of Kollam, had the idea of erecting a befitting memorial. With the concurrence of the faithful of the diocese a decision was made to build a hospital.

Bishop Benziger Hospital was thus established in a four-acre plot situated in the heart of Kollam town. The hospital started functioning on 17th August 1948, the anniversary of the death of Bishop Benziger. It was the first ever private hospital in Kollam town. The formal inauguration took place on 8th December, 1948.The Hospital is owned and managed by the Latin Catholic Diocese Of Quilon. Being a charitable society, this is not a profit oriented institution. Whatever profit that is generated is always ploughed back into the institution for the benefit of the public. Hence the institution’s growth is to the benefit of the public which it aspires to serve and love with utmost sincerity. Bishop Benziger Hospital have a team of more than 500 employees including qualified medical professionals, paramedical staff and supporting staffs


Paul Antony Mullassery

Bishop of Quilon

On 18 April 2018, Most Rev Paul Antony Mullassery  Was Appointed as the bishop of quilon and thereby became the president of the charitable society and the manager of bishop benziger hospital and its daughter institutions.


Fr. JB

Rev. Fr. John Britto J

Director of Bishop Benziger Hospital

Rev. Fr. John Britto J took over as the Director of Bishop Benziger Hospital on 1 st July 2022.

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Fr.Filson Francis

Associate Director & Spiritual Counsellor
(Bishop Benziger Ayuerveda In-charge)

Mr.James T

Associate Director

Sr.Jeena Mary


Sr. Cyrla Mary

Nursing Superintendent

Fr. K.G.Lawrence (capuchin)

Spiritual Counsellor

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